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Eastview Basketball Apparel Store

The 2nd Eastview Basketball Apparel Store is closed for the season. 

Our year-round store is always open! See the link below.

Eastview Lightning Store (open year-round)

Check out the online store that is open year-round and has over 100 options of "Eastview Lightning" branded apparel and accessories. There are different styles of Eastview Lightning logos and numerous color options to choose from. All items purchased are made to order and shipped directly to the address specified.

Click on the "Eastview Lightning Store" link below! ****Password is "basketball" (lowercase)***

Player Registration

Boys and Girls Traveling Basketball registration is CLOSED for the 2024-2025 season. 

Boys and Girls In-House Basketball registration is CLOSED for the 2024-2025 season. 

EVBA Programs

To help you decide which program is better for your child, visit our pages below!  

TRAVEL Basketball 

  • Boys and girls in grades 4th - 8th grade
  • Season runs from October - mid March
  • 2 practices a week
  • 10 weekend tournaments
  • Cost: $495

IN-HOUSE Basketball

  • Boys and girls in grades Kindergarten - 6th grade
  • See in-house page for specifics details for each grade level
  • Cost: $60-$150 depending on the age level

Travel Basketball Tournaments

Interested in sending your traveling teams to our Eastview Lightning Classic Tournaments?  Follow the links below for more information.

Boys Lightning Classic - 2nd weekend in November

Girls Lightning Classic - 2nd weekend in January


To mold youth into positive and confident athletes by teaching respect, teamwork and competitiveness through the game of basketball.
To inspire our community through the game of basketball while becoming the premier youth non-profit basketball association in Minnesota.

Questions about the EASTVIEW BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION (EVBA) program, website or the Eastview tournaments?  Contact our board president via e-mail: CLICK HERE.

For further information about the EASTVIEW BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION (EVBA) program, see the the EVBA Administrative Procedures .

Player Development - learn more about summer camps, AAU, shot club and more!  CLICK HERE

Coach Development - want to coach in our program?  Complete your background check and concussion protocol as well as find drills for practice! CLICK HERE

Basketball Board - want to contact a board member or see our open positions? Find our meeting minutes here too!  CLICK HERE 

X, formally known as Twitter

We created an Eastview Basketball Association X account.   Give us a follow for all of the latest news on Eastview basketball, off-season training ideas, photos, and all other updates.


We created an Eastview Basketball Association Instagram Account.

Find us at @eastviewbasketballassoc 

 Give us a follow and a like for all of the latest updates and photos!


We created an Eastview Basketball  Association Facebook account. 
Give us a like for all of the latest news on Eastview basketball, off-season training ideas, photos, and all other updates.